Judgement - Tammy Bo Tarot

Card for today: Judgement 20 & The Wheel of Fortune 10

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today:Judgement 20
Keywords: Salvation, Freedom, Answers, Awakening, Judgement
Clarified by:The Wheel Of Fortune 10
Keywords: Destiny, Fate, Luck, Abundance, Change
Elements: Water (Scorpio /Pluto) & Fire (Sagittarius/Jupiter)
*Crystal Unicorn & Shadowscapes

This duo is just too intense to be a daily message! I mean, the card of destiny and fate and the card of karma and awakening. So that’s a big message and not just for today.


Within yourself you have noticed a deep urge a deep pull to feel free again. This has been ready happening for you over time. Friendships, relationships, family and even your job, within all these areas of your life there has been multiple changes over the last few years. Some happy changes but mostly drastic and shitty situations that caused a lot of sadness and confusion. This is basically and simply explained a awakening. From today on you will feel this awakening to be a gift rather than a curse. Now you will start to see the good in the change and the freedom and happiness that it has given you. You are destined to do so much and destiny has come to bring you your reward that you so much after Endings there is new room for new beginnings and that what the wheel is here to bring you.



For singles I see the end of your single pringle life. I mean it’s quite obvious in this context.

A destined and fated serendipitous kind of meeting. It feels very special and very..well.. Destined. Meant to be. I can’t say anything else basically so this is not for all and know that its not just today. These are the energies that are in the air. Kind of your guides and angels that are setting things In motion for your (near) future.


In your relationship I see destiny shaking things up but in a good way. Either both are feeling free and independent within the relationship and now destiny will throw something on your path that will change the freedom that you both have right now. Perhaps a new pet that requires responsibility or taking steps further and having maybe a child or something among those lines.

Also I see for struggling relationships that this is the time where you will decide and choose yourself. Of you are in a hard release that just doesn’t seem to get better or grow than this is the time where you wake-up to the reality of ending things simply because it hurts you and them too. Sometimes ending a situation is best. What’s meant to be will be. It’s time to choose you and only you for a while. Rediscover yourself again.


We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?! Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy  

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