High Priestess - Tammy Bo Tarot

Card for today: High Priestess & The Chariot 7

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today: High Priestess 2
Keywords: Intuition, Secrets, Spiritual Wisdom, Hidden Knowledge
Clarified by: The Chariot 7
Keywords: Travel, Forward Movement, Progress
Element: Water
Overall (weekly) Energy: The Sun & 4 of Wands
*Everyday Witches Tarot & Prisma Visons Tarot


These two cards talk about spiritual growth as well as moving forward after a time of where things feel like this were hidden and unknown.
Either you will slowly become more aware of your intuition and how on freaking point it is and that you should listen to your intuition better and maybe more often to make progress and move forward in the guided direction. Or / and you soon will get more clarity about something that has been hidden for you. Something good which brings positive progress and change in your life.


In love I can see that one of you maybe has been a little closed or closed at all so basically not talking or little talking. Basically No communication or the ghost game is at play.. If this fits your situation than know that soon there will be more communication and more interaction with one another. Perhaps it could even mean that one of you is about to open up and share something that they have kept to themselves for some time now.


In your career I can see that there is something that you intuitively feel drawn to. A project, a new business, a creative idea or spiritual gift or talent that you would like to turn into more than just a hobby? Whatever it is I can see that you are slowly moving forward and make this intuitive hit something real and turn this into a more tangible process of making ideas into plans and plans into action.

Overall WEEKLY Vibes

The Sun and the 4 of Wands speak about some kind of commitment. A happy, positive and light commitment kind of thing. This can be all kinds of commitment. Like committing to yourself to have more fun this week or enjoy time with your family. Or commitment on a whole deeper level like relationships, engagement, marriage or within your job or signing contracts for your kids school or whatever you have.


We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy  

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