Card for today: Death 13 & 2 of Cups

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today: Death 13
Keywords: Transformation, Change, Endings, Beginnings, Transition.
Clarified by: 2 of Cups
Keywords: Romantic – Peace or loving offer. Dates, Getting together (romantically)
Element: Water
Overall (weekly) Energy: The Star & 6 of Cups

Full Moon

Tonight we have a Full Moon in Aquarius. Every Full Moon is amazing to release and let go of old, outdated believes, routines, people or whatever it is that you would like to release. The reason I start off with this is basically because Death is kind of vibe-ing on the same wave length. Death is also about letting go and transform into a bigger, better and wiser version of yourself.
Think about what you would like t change in your life and think about how and what you can do create change. I write this down so easy peasy but it’s not. We are creatures of habit and thus we don’t handle change very well. Whatever it is for you personally know that change takes courage and patience but above all remember that you can only change and control yourself, not others or situation.


I see the 2 of cups, 6 of cups and star (overall energy) as something beautiful. Magical even, because I do sense some strong karmic and soul vibes. Basically what I feel is a strong and deep connection heading your way. Something beautiful like I said. However, I think that it’s being asked to let go of previous attachments to previous people or situation that might have troubled your vision in regards to love and romance. It is time to let go of outdated believes and patterns you have been telling yourself. Simply because there is something beautiful heading your way. We have to make space for new to enter our life. Physically and energetically.


If you are already in a connection these two are maybe prediction a date night being cancelled. However it can also have a more deeper meaning. For example ending your situation-ship because it is just not what you need or want anymore.

On the other hand it can also be just about you. Like you are slowing changing into someone who is now opening up to a new way of thinking about love, romance or perhaps thinking about your current romantic connection. What do you want and what does your soul long for?

Overall WEEKLY Vibes

Again we have the Star on the bottom of the deck for this week. This week it’s in combination with the lovely 6 of Cups. The star for me is all about the future and the cups 6 is all about the past. Obviously the star and the 6 of cups have more meaning to them. I feel these two are showing someone returning from your past in the future. This can be someone from this life, childhood friends or even past life connections that are slowly clearing up old karma to work towards reunion.
For some this could also be about a childhood wish, dream or hopes that you’ve had way back when you were a kid might become a reality soon or sooner than you think.


We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy  

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