Card for today: Ace of Swords
Keywords: Truth, Insight, (mental) Clarity, Opportunity
Clarified by: Ace of Swords
Keywords: Truth, Insight, (mental) Clarity, Opportunity
Element: Air
Overall (weekly) Energy: The Star & 6 of Cups
Idk what’s up with the Dubble card for the weekends but it’s becoming a theme 🙂
This weekend
Today we have the Lions Gateway. Which is simply said a gateway to positive vibes, courage and vitality. I love and always look forward to the 8/8 portal. As it has never let me down and always made the most of it and when looking back the good things and changes always happens or started on or around the Lions Gate. I made a post about it yesterday if you want to read more about this special event.
Back to the Ace of Swords
A double card, so basically it means: double clarity, truth and insights.
The oracle card for today is the moon. In tarot the moon suggests that things are hidden and in the dark.
It could for some also be a sign that if you have been involved in some kind of legal matter you will soon receive justice in this matter.
So taking the Lions Gate and the moon card into consideration. I think today will be a day where you will finally see the truth in a situation. See the truth in people and their actions.
This truth can also come to you in the form of a light bulb moment. So basically mentally you will see things clear and most likely you will be able to take the next steps accordingly.
If you are in a situation with someone and things are just not clear between you. Either it be a lover, friend or family member or perhaps your co-worker.. Whoever or whatever your situation is. There is clarity coming. Things will finally get clear and situations or feelings will be discussed or expressed.
Overall WEEKLY Vibes
Again we have the Star on the bottom of the deck for this week. This week it’s in combination with the lovely 6 of Cups. The star for me is all about the future and the cups 6 is all about the past. Obviously the star and the 6 of cups have more meaning to them. I feel these two are showing someone returning from your past in the future. This can be someone from this life, childhood friends or even past life connections that are slowly clearing up old karma to work towards reunion.
For some this could also be about a childhood wish, dream or hopes that you’ve had way back when you were a kid might become a reality soon or sooner than you think.
We have the Lions Gate happening so I think that you will get clarity in one way or another. Clarity that will bring with it a opportunity, possibilities for further action and the energy to proceed your ideas or whatever it may be for you personally.
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy
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