Card for today: Ace of Pentacles
Keywords: Opportunity for abundance, Gift
Clarified by: 3 of Pentacles
Keywords: teamwork, collaborate, Consulting
Element: Earth
Another Ace, two days in a row. Always love the Aces. For me they always resemble little fortune cookies.. The Aces are showing up a lot lately. I guess after a lot of stagnant times, it’s now time for some new and happy opportunities.
The Ace of Pentacles is all about a gift. A new opportunity or a gift that’s heading your way. A gift of any kind and could be given by the divine as you can in the image or given by other people but of course it can also be you giving someone a gift.
The thing is a gift can be anything, really. It can be literally a tangible gift or just something that randomly crosses your path but turns out to be a gift.. You see, it can be anything. But it’s always good! That’s nice, right?!
Since the 3 of Pentacles show up to back up the Ace I think that this new opportunity, this new gift has everything to do with teaming up with someone or maybe even teaming up with your God, Angels or your spirit guides.
Likely you will team up with someone and together you will establish something amazing. Which in the end I feel will be the gift, will be the Ace of Pentacles.
I mean, be real, we always have to work hard for the best things in life 🙂
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love Tammy
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