Card for today: 9 of Pentacles
Keywords: Independence, Abundant, Satisfaction, Stability
Clarified by: Ace of Cups
Keywords: Opportunity for Love, Harmony, Peace and emotional fulfillment
Element: Earth & Water
Overall (weekly) Energy: The Sun & The Star
*Everyday Witches Tarot & Prisma Visions Tarot
The 9 of Pentacles shows me that you are probably rocking life. You have everything you need as are independent as f*ck. You don’t need a partner in your life to help you out you got everything handled.. on your own! The time has come for you to think about about love. What do you want? Are you ready? Perhaps you have some fears about a relationship because you value your freedom so much? You can have both, you know?! Reflect and spend some time within to find out more about your desires and values in love and romance.
This one is for my fellow single pringles! You have it all.. So to speak.. I mean.. A good life, financially stability and a healthy group of people around you. All that’s missing is a partner to share your life with. Someone who adds something to your life. Your not looking for someone to come in and fix everything because you got that shit handled. With the Ace of cups love is near and will soon enter your life! Are you ready for it?
I can see that in your career you will receive a great opportunity. A opportunity that will bring in a good amount of money which will provide financial stability and give the opportunity to live the good life. This isn’t just a financial opportunity it will also bring in lots of happiness and makes you feel like your cup is overflowing!
Overall WEEKLY Vibes
The Sun and the 4 of Wands speak about some kind of commitment. A happy, positive and light commitment kind of thing. This can be all kinds of commitment. Like committing to yourself to have more fun this week or enjoy time with your family. Or commitment on a whole deeper level like relationships, engagement, marriage or within your job or signing contracts for your kids school or whatever you have.
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?! Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy
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