9 of pentacles - Tammy Bo Tarot

Card for today: 9 of Pentacles & 21. The World

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today: 9 of Pentacles
Keywords: Independence, Stability, Satisfaction & Abundance.
Clarified by: 21 The World
Keywords: Closure, Completion, Full Circle & Digital World.
Zodiac: Capricorn
*Light Seer’s Tarot & Classic Rider Waite


What a lovely cards. What I see fr you for today is a happy day. A day where you will feel happy and very satisfied with yourself. Looking back onto a journey that has been.. Reminiscing about how it all was and isn’t anymore. What you have learned but also what you’ve gain. Looking back will help you today simply to help you realize what a freaking bad ass you are and how damn far you’ve come. Your happy and emotional in a very good place today!

It’s kind of like energetically wrapping up this cycle mainly by acknowledging what you have been through and seeing where you are today. Be proud!


For singles I see online I see your either you being drawn to a person you’ve met online or you soon might. The world resembles also our digital world and the 9 of Cups is wish fulfillment so in love I see some changes coming today. Not necessarily communication, it can be, more so I see you or the other person seeing you or you them online. So via social media or something like that.

In your relationship I see things are good, very good. It’s like being on heaven on earth kind of things. Perhaps you’ve been separated duo to the Corona situation or whatever else but I see you getting back in each others arms in no time!


We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?! Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy  

The Spiral is today’s oracle message. Check it out, maybe the card can give some extra guidance and advice.

-Mystical shaman oracle

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