Card for today: 9 of Cups
Keywords: Contentment, Satisfaction & Wish fulfillment
Clarified by: The Sun 19
Keywords: Joy, Happiness, Pleasure, Clarity & Fun
Elements: Water (Pisces/Neptune) & Fire (Leo/Sun)
*Witches Tarot & Wild Unknown Tarot
I can tell that you are happy and satisfied with where you are right now. Even when things are good and stress free and just happy. Still at one point we get bored.. We want more. More in the sens of wanting to go to the next best thing. The urge to expand and grow. Perhaps you like to enjoy some vacation time or just some fun in general. In and around the home since we still have a pandemic going on. Anyway more joy and more happiness is in the cards for you today.
In love I see wish fulfillment, happy days and lots of fun and joy. Maybe you two have planned a nice day or evening together. Whatever it is there will be lots of fun and sparks all over the place. Mostly singles as the 9 of cups and the 9 of pentacles are the cards of successfully being independent.
Single’s or those in a situation-ship might get some clarity that will bright up their day and make you feel satisfied and lucky. Also if you are in a complicated relationship today you might realize that you will be alright on your own and you will be happy if you decide to choose yourself even if it’s for a little bit.
In your career I see thing lighting up for you. If you have recently felt stressed and had a lot to do. Now things will slowly calm down and become just more fun and less stressy. Also I see that if you have been working towards a opportunity either a job or study you will get the green light that you’ve been waiting for!
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?! Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy
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