8 of Wands - Tammy Bo Tarot

Card for today: 8 of Wands & The Lovers 6

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today: 8 of Wands
Keywords: Travel, (fast) Incoming Communication & Distance
Clarified by: The Lovers 6
Keywords: Self love, Heart’s choice, Loved ones & Love
Zodiac: Sagittarius & Gemini
Oracle card for today: The Jaguar
*Wild Unknown Tarot – Kim Krans


Your finally ready to talk about what it is that you have so carefully decided. The Lovers is either all about love or a choice by heart. Basically this tells me that you’ve been thinking about making a decision. I can’t see in what area this is.. All I see in the cards is that you’ve made your choice and you’ve decided to go with what you’re heart is telling you.

I mean we all know the struggle is real when it comes down to choose between two important things /people, opportunities or whatever. Now you have finally made up your mind and your going to tell people or a particular person what you’re choice is. I feel your ready to shout it of the rooftops 🙂


This is going to be a short one. Nevertheless it’s amazing! Lovers in a single reading is love or self love. The 8 of Wands is unexpected and fast incoming communication. Kind of like 1+1.. Expect someone to teach or to you soon. I don’t think you will see this coming.


In your relationship I see that today will be a day where you can expect a out of the blue and deep heart to heart conversation with your significant other. Perhaps you or your partner have had some things on their mind that needs to be shared and talked about.

For a few maybe there is some distance going on right now which only makes your connection even stronger. The desire and love grows bigger each day you don’t see each other.


We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?! Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy  

The Jaguar is today’s oracle message. Check it out, maybe the card can give some extra guidance and advice.

-Mystical shaman oracle

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