Card for today: 7 of Pentacles
Keywords: Patience, Time, Growth, Transition
Clarified by: 8 of Swords
Keywords: Stuck, Ego, Mental Prison, Mentally all over the place.
Element: Earth & Air
Overall (weekly) Energy: The Sun & The Star
Let’s be real
I think we can all agree on the fact that most of us are not the most patient people. Sure with some things we are but when we want something.. We lack patience, right?
Mental health
The 8 of swords is always a card that worries me. Not so much for myself but when I read for others. Simply because the card shows that you are stuck. Mentally you feel stuck. When it falls it tells me that someone is building a mental prison. Often this prison is build on fear, anxiety, worries and stress. Basically thoughts are being made bigger and scarier than they are in reality. I don’t want that for anybody. So that’s why it worries me. I mean often this card drops when someone is in a dark place.
Both of these two cards are kind of like a moth that’s drawn to a flame. Not very beneficial if you ask me.
When we need to be patient but like many we struggle. So we get frustrated and annoyed. We get out of balance.. Then the go comes out to play and feeds us negative thoughts, negative behavior and bring back old and outdated fears or scars. When it all gets to much we are in our own and self build mental prison.
Today’s message is a warning as you might struggle with patience. Either because you are feeling stuck, mentally and therefore you are more on edge. Or you feel stuck due to a situation that requires your patience.
Take it how it resonates but just be aware or how you think and what you think and keep it real and down to earth okay?
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy
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