7 of pentacles - TAMMY BO TAROT

Card for today: 7 & 8 of Pentacles

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today: 7 of Pentacles (again)
Keywords Patience, Time, Growth, Transition.
Clarified by: 8 of Pentacles
Keywords: Dedication, Motivation, (hard) Work.
Element: Earth
Overall (weekly) Energy: 8 of Wands & The Moon
*overall energy is the bottom of the deck card. Which is the overall theme or vibe throughout this week.


Definitely linked to my daily message of yesterday. Like mentioned yesterday patience is not something we are very good at. Yesterday there was finally some change coming in the form of some kind of answer or higher calling. I also mentioned that it might take some time to really get physical and tangible.

Working on..

Today there is dedication and hard work in the cards. Which shows indeed progress in your situation, like we talked about, yesterday.
You, the other person or situation involved are working on bringing a message or information that you’ve been long waited for.

Off course it can also be about having patience at your job, or with your career. Or having zero patience with a co-worker maybe? I mean it could be a lot of things so please take it how it resonates, okay?

The final answer

Whatever messages, information or clarity you are waiting for (Or thinking about giving) It is definitely something that’s long waited for.
In your case it will most likely bring you some peace,rest and freedom. Like a little ‘aaaah, finally’ moment. It’s probably something that you know is coming or something that you have set into motion a while ago.

We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy  

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