Card for today: 6 of wands & 10 of cups

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today: 6 of Wands
Keywords: Success, Victory, Achievement and accomplishments
Clarified by: 10 of Cups
Keywords: Emotionally fulfillment. Picture Perfect.
Element: Fire & Water
Overall (weekly) Energy: Judgement & The Lovers

Love is in the air

Like I said already many times this week. There has been a lot of love flowing around these last days. So many happiness and joy. Not just in a romantic way but all love relationships. So friends, family, romantic partners and your kids.

Just so much love, compassion and kindness.. I live for that sh*’t!!


There will be some kind of success that will be entering your life today. This success has everything to do with your family life. Some sort of victory within your relationships and family. Maybe you get some exciting news, like a wedding, pregnancy or whatever happy shizzle that going down for you it’s with celebrating!


For my fellow singles.. Maybe there is some one entering your life and will turn your world up side down.
Maybe your knight in shining armor or your forever princess will reach out. Someone that you’ve definitely have been hoping for or have already dated a couple times..whatever your situation may be it will be a victorious day within your connection.

The overall vibe

Is Judgement and the lovers so yet again love and freedom. So either you will wake up and see a connection for what it really is or you are waking up and know what to do and what choice you need to make in regards to your love life or whatever it is for you that you could decide about what to do. Today you know and today you make your choice!


We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy  

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