Card for today: Temperance & High Priestess

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today: Temperance 14
Keywords: Balance, Healing, Harmony and Peace
Clarified by: The High Priestess 2
Keywords: Intuition, Secrets, Guidance and higher understanding
Element: Air & Water
Overall (weekly) Energy: Judgement & The Lovers

Chill and relaxed

Is the overall theme for this weekend. Temperance is all about a good healthy balance within ourselves. A healthy balance within our body mind and our soul.

No stress

Or maybe a little I mean we all have some things going on which is also healthy. You are feeling good and relaxed which makes you very open and even more sensitive to your intuition and the guidance you’ll receive from your angels, your guides or your God.

Because you feel chill and balanced you will feel and experience more signs and synchronizations. Seeing repeated numbers, songs or other weird coincidences.


These are often signs of our higher self, Guides and angels that we are aligned and they are telling us we’re doing a good job and are eon the right path. Sometimes these messages are the answers you seek. Or maybe you are guided to take action towards something. Whatever it may be for you. Pay attention to these signs and let them guide you through out this weekend and bring you even more balance in the form of these reassuring messages that you are indeed on the right path!


We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy  

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