Card for today: 6 of cups
Keywords: children, childhood, nostalgic, past life
Clarified by: Ace of Cups
Keywords: Love, peace or harmonious offer, Emotional fulfillment.
Element: Water
The 6 of Cups and the Ace of cups… Oooh I’m melting, What a lovely combination. lot’s of water, so lots of emotions.
I just love the vibes of these two. The six of cups is all about our past, our memories and past people. The Ace is all about love, in any way shape or form, opportunity for emotional fulfillment.
Now let me remind you that mercury is in retrograde. One of the things that mercury retrograde is famous for is bringing people back from the past. Not just Mercury but Pluto the planet of death and transformation is also still in retrograde. So lot’s of skeletons in the closet vibe’s.
With this being said. These two might tell you that there might be someone returning from you past.. I don’t know why but I keep getting ghosts from the past.. So I strongly feel that for a lot of you a ghost from the past will return. Obviously not literally a ghost but someone from way back. Maybe even past life back..
With the Ace of cups. The Ace of love, peace and harmony. The Ace that resembles new love. It is highly possible that you might not have ended things in a happy way with this person. Yet since I think it’s been a long time. They have been able to think about it for a long time. So have you. So when this person will enter your life they will either make things right or just show you that they are thinking about you.
This past person can be anyone, a past lover, a past friend or maybe a family member who you haven’t talked to in ages.
As always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t. Remember that these are general readings and messages so it won’t resonate with all of you. So take the message that feels like it is meant for you and leave the rest!
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