Card for today: 4 of Wands
Keywords: Commitment, Celebration, Union & Joy
Clarified by: The Hermit 9
Keywords: Introspection, Withdrawal, Solitary & Wisdom
Elements: Fire (Aries/Mars) & Earth (Virgo/Mercury)
*Crystal Unicorn & Shadowscapes
When this duo comes down yourself expect some deep thinking about yourself and your relationships. Maybe it’s your birthday. I mean we are in Virgo season and the 4 of Wands is the card of celebration. Perhaps because you got a year older you now probably are reflecting on the past year. Looking back and relive the good moments and heal the shitty ones and see what it is that you learned from it all and what changes you want to make for yourself in the (near) future. If it’s not your birthday even then it sure looks like a lot of deep thinking, reflecting and finding answers within.
Today you are taking some time to think about what it is that you truly desire and long for in a committed relationship. What do you have to offer and what is it that you need? These kind of questions may cross you mind today and they will help you getting a better view on what it is that you want and need but also everything that you have to offer.
For those in a relationship I see that maybe today you feel the need to withdraw yourself a little from your partner. I am not necessarily seeing any relationship issues. Whatever it is for you today you want to have some alone time. Time to think about yourself, your life and about your relationship and what it is that you would like to change and how you are going to talk about it or how you are going to make things work. Some alone time is very healthy in any relationship.
Perhaps a day off because of your birthday?
These two show me someone who is taking some time to think deep and wisely about their current job or career. I don’t see any action just deep thought and soul-searching in regards to your job and what it is that you would want in your career.
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?! Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy
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