Card for today – 3 of Pentacles
Keywords -Teamwork, Collaboration, Support
Clarified by – 6 of Pentacles
Keywords – Equality, Balance, Sharing is Caring.
Element – Earth
Overall (weekly) Energy – 8 of Wands & The Moon
*overall energy is the bottom of the deck card. Which is the overall theme or vibe throughout this week.
No matter..
How independent and self sufficient we are. Sometimes we can use a little help.
Most of us, we help others and don’t expect nothing in return. Simply because we like to help them and we care about them or just the welfare of others in general.
When it comes down to ourselves.. man, that’s a different story! Most of us suck at asking for help. Simply because we don’t want to bother others or because we are to proud or maybe ashamed in a way to ask for help, or whatever, you get the point, right?
Which is totally bonkers since the people we live are just as much willing to help us out as we love it to help them. It is about a equal give and take. The right kind of balance. To mirror the situation.. don’t you think your friends and family or your neighbor would love to lend you a hand or help you out as well?
So for today (and any other for that matter) ask for help if you need it. Make sure there is a healthy balance between how much you give and how much you ask.
Again, with Mercury and the overall energy in mind. It is advised to keep communicating. Especially about things that you maybe are a bit hesitant off.. Like asking for help!
Reflecting on close connections
For some of you it’s a reminder to take a closer look into your relationships and the equal give and take. Are you giving but not receiving? That’s draining.. So my advice is to just reflect on your connections and see where they can be improved.
We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy
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