2 of Pentacles - TAMMY BO TAROT

Card for today: 2 of Pentacles & 5 of Wands

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today: 2 of Pentacles
Keywords: Juggling, Busy, Choices, Responsibilities
Clarified by: 5 of Wands
Keywords: Challenge, Competition, Opponents
Element: Earth & Water
Overall (weekly) Energy: The Star & 6 of Cups


I noticed with other readers that they often read the 5 of Wands as a card of conflict and argument. Which for me is the 5 of swords. The 5 of Wands for me, is indeed about some kind of conflict but more like a playful one. It’s more so the cards of having competition.

2 of Pentacles

The 2 of pentacles is telling me that you are having a lot of things going on in your life right now that requires your attention. Either it be that you are financially trying to keep your head above the water. It could also be less heavy like simply having to much to do. Either at your job or finding the right kind of balance between work and home.

5 of wands

Like I already mentioned above the 5 of wands for me in all about competition and challenge. This doesn’t have to mean competition with other because we can also be competitive with ourselves or challenging ourselves to do better or whatever it may be.


Think for a second.. What is currently going on in your life that you feel like you are juggling? Finances, career, home, personal? Whatever it is for you it asks you to take this situation for how and what it is. I mean in all honesty..you can get upset with the fact that you are to busy or bitching about the fact that it is all too much. The cards are asking you to challenge yourself rather than to make yourself feel more stressed by the pressure you give yourself or others. Try to challenge yourself to look at this current situation with a playful joy vibe to make it more “light” and strive to be your very best (Like know one ever was), just like ash 🙂

If you are in a negative mindset you will only attract negativity. So make whatever it is that you are juggling more light and try seeing it as a challenge and in a more positive vibe. If you do, you will see that things will get better and easier for you.

Overall WEEKLY Vibes

Again we have the Star on the bottom of the deck for this week. This week it’s in combination with the lovely 6 of Cups. The star for me is all about the future and the cups 6 is all about the past. Obviously the star and the 6 of cups have more meaning to them. I feel these two are showing someone returning from your past in the future. This can be someone from this life, childhood friends or even past life connections that are slowly clearing up old karma to work towards reunion.
For some this could also be about a childhood wish, dream or hopes that you’ve had way back when you were a kid might become a reality soon or sooner than you think.


We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy  

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