10 of Swords -Tammy Bo Tarot

Card for today: 10 of Swords & The Hermit 9

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today: 10 of Swords
Keywords: Ending, Betrayal, Hardship
Clarified by: The Hermit
Keywords: Introspection, Withdrawal, Solitary
Element: Air & Earth
Overall (weekly) Energy:The High Priest & 8 of Wands

It’s not as bad as it looks

Really! I get the vibe with these two cards that it more so saying that you are ending a era in your life.

You have probably living like a hermit lately. I mean who hasn’t, right. Still I mean way before shit went down you already were a hermit. Or at least withdraw yourself from a particular person or situation. Whatever it was for you this creepy looking 10 of swords is here to tell you that the hermit lifestyle you were living is soon to be over.

Painful ending or ending drama?

Have you recently went through a tough ending in your life? A relationship, job or something that was painful and you just knew you had to end things or cut ties or maybe cut out all the drama and the people that caused it? The cards are asking you to start living a little like a hermit. Go within. Get to know yourself. Your true self. Not the one you are right now since there is so much going on that you might feel you lost yourself a little.. If this feels like you.. Go back to your roots and rediscover yourself and try to find peace with whatever went down prior.

Overall WEEKLY Vibes

Is the high priest and the 8 of Wands. These two speak to me about incoming communication. Something quick most like not really expected. The High priest is all about faith, tradition and religion. I feel with these two that maybe you would like to have some kind of communication happening between you and someone else however nothing happening yet. The two are asking you to trust blindly and have faith that behind the scenes things are shifting in a positive way. So be patient and trust! Which aligns perfectly with what I feel. Communication and faith that what’s meant to be will be.


We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy  

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