10 of cups - Tammy Bo Tarot

Card for today: 10 of Cups & 12 The Hanged Man

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today: 10 of Cups
Keywords: Emotional complete, Satisfaction, Family & Fulfillment.
Clarified by: The Hanged Man 12 (rev.)
Keywords: New Vison, Clarity & Motivation
Zodiac: Pisces
*Light Seer’s Tarot & Classic Rider Waite


For those who have been following me for a while know I don’t pull reversed cards. However from time to time when they pop up like that and I get the message it’s meant that way.. That it’s meant that way

So a reversed hanged man to clarify the 10 of Cups. The 10 of Cups is all about a happy and healthy family life. With the hanged man in reverse I can tell that things on the family have been feeling a little stuck and Stagnant. Which makes sense due to the world pandemic and everybody standing still right now. Which is okay because it gives time and opportunity to think on how to get unstuck, think about what you want and what you need to do so you can have had some time to figure out what it is that you want from your family life or maybe even figured out that you want a family. Whatever it is the hanged man reversed brings clarity and the time of getting unstuck has arrived.


I see that you are rediscovering your ideas and values about family. Your own family. I think that you were the kinda person that didn’t really want to have a family or love because you’ve probably been hurt way back and it looks like your very happy single and independent! However now I see that you are slowly thinking about a family life. What do you want and what do you need from your future partner. How do you see yourself as a parent or why not. Kind of all these sort of questions might pop up over time to help you change your mindset.

I see that you are rediscovering your ideas and values about family. Your own family. I think that you were the kind of person that didn’t really want to have a family or love because you’ve probably been hurt way back and it looks like your very happy single and independent! However now I see that you are slowly thinking about a family life. What do you want and what do you need from your future partner. How do you see yourself as a parent or why not. Kind of all these sort of questions might pop up over time to help you change your mindset.


We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?! Also take into consideration that the “big” happenings I write about take time to build up. Be patient if they haven’t arrived yet. Good things take time!
Love, Tammy  

The Crow is today’s oracle message. Check it out, maybe the card can give some extra guidance and advice.

-Mystical shaman oracle

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