Judgement - TAMMY BO TAROT

Card for this Weekend: Judgement 20 & The Star 17

Weekly Tarot 🎴

Card for today: Judgement 20
Keywords: Freedom, Salvation, Awakening, Judgement
Clarified by: The Star
Keywords: Hope’s, Dreams & Wishes, Future
Element: Water and Air
Overall (weekly) Energy: Temperance & Queen of Cups
*overall energy is the bottom of the deck card. Which is the overall theme or vibe throughout this week.

Transforming Times

I think we can all agree of the fact that the first 6 months of 2020 have definitely brought a lot of unexpected events that have in.. some way or another.. made us all becoming more awake.
We have and still are experiencing a lot of intense energies that help us reflect on basically everything and area in our life.


Recently, like many of us, You woke up. You heard the call and answered. It was kind of like a wake up call. A crucial moment in your life where you were (forced) to deal with change and letting go. Letting go of basically everything that just doesn’t serve you, your new vision and goal that you’ve set for yourself.

The future is unknown

Which makes it scary to take the first steps towards a new beginning. It’s okay and very healthy to feel some kind of anxiety. Just don’t let it take over and make you not take the steps you’d like to take, okay?

Whatever it is for you personally, it involves some kind of future plans you have. Maybe a dream or at least a wish you have for yourself. Take it how it resonates.

The “Call” that changes everything

For a select few of you this amazing duo might predict a dream come true. You see the judgement is the answer. Likely something that you have working hard for or have waited patiently for. The star is a wish come true card and again, it’s about the future too. So maybe there will be a long waited message coming in that will turn your world up side down – in a good way!


The overall energy is temperance & queen of cups so intuitively you know what I talk about and you know the time is now to start to let go any small things that are holding you back and follow your heart.


We all are in different phases and stages in life and all walk our own unique path in life. Because this is a general reading not everything will resonate so as always, take it how it resonates. Leave what doesn’t, okay?!
Love, Tammy  

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