What a month so far, right?! We started October with the Full Moon in Aries at the first of October. At the 14th of this month Mercury moved his ass retrograde again, Always fun when that happens. On the 16th we had a powerful super new moon in Libra, the 7th house of relationships and Love. To top it all off we have a magical blue full moon in the sign of Taurus at the 31st of October, the day we all have been waiting for.. Halloween. The time of year where the veil between our world and the spiritual world is at it’s thinnest.
So? What’s a ‘Blue Moon?’
A blue moon occurs when we have two full Moon’s in one month. Which is generally a rare occasion and now we are gifted with a blue moon on Halloween. Oh boy oh boy.. Isn’t that promising!
Basically it’s known to be a very intense and powerful full moon. This moon is going to be more intense than your ‘usual’ or ‘average’ full moon, this so weird to write I mean I think every full moon is special and intense but then again I am very sensitive to the moon her energy.
Looking at the chart and my cards I definitely think that this full moon has a lot in store for us when it comes down to our suppressed and hidden emotions and it will help us find
the motivation that we kind of lost along the way. I mean, 2020 has been a roller-coaster ride so far and loosing motivation and dedication in a world that’s not really balanced is easy. Now I believe it’s time to get up and make shit happen!
Full Moon
When the moon is at her brightest, we feel her vibe the strongest. However most of us will experience feeling foggy and dreamy , feeling restless and fatigued. Just a bit out of it.. Like we live in our bubble. We experience sleepless nights, restless nights or no sleep at all. Not only on the day of the full moon, but a few days prior and after.
Every full moon is encouraging you to release that what is simply not serving you anymore. This can obviously be about anything, really! However keep in mind that you can only release from within. Release old patterns, toxic behavior, unhealthy lifestyle, negative and self destructive thoughts. If you want to release something or someone in your life or a situation that’s just not in alignment with you anymore..
Remember that it always starts with yourself. The Moon will help, guide and provide you with her strong energies, the rest is up to you. We can’t change others or some situations. We can change how we deal with it and how we move forward.
This Blue Moon is in the signs of Taurus, ruled by Venus the planet of beauty, love, wealth, abundance and pleasure.
People born under the sign of Taurus are overall very hard, dedicated and passionate workers. They are incredibly loyal and have generally lots of patience and are one of the best lovers. Simply because they give love, compassion and affection genuinely generously and without expectation. However they often only so their deep love and affection to those in their inner circle. Because they are ruled by Venus they are also very sensual and attractive people. Taurus people just that natural glow kind of beauty.
However just like any other sign and any other human being Taurus has a few flaws too. They can be very stubborn and protective, guarded even. Venus loves beauty and so does Taurus they love all the good things life has to offer which makes them at times mainly focused on the material side of life and may across as someone who is materialistic and greedy. When Taurus has made their mind or created an opinion its very hard to convince them otherwise unless you have some grounded ‘proof’ to show them otherwise. Taurus have a natural artistic side to them especially due to their endless patience and passion for beauty they can create beautiful art and have often a creative outlet to help them clear their mind.
So shorty said.. basically will feel a lot of Taurus’s vibes and personality traits around this upcoming full blue moon.
Effects of a full moon
So what will we feel this upcoming full moon? Obviously this is all very general and you don’t really have to feel and notice all of these vibes that are going on. Just take what resonates and go with what you feel is you. The fact that we are aware of what’s going on will only gives us more understanding and therefore compassion for ourselves and perhaps with others that we deal with. Kind of makes it easier, for me personally, to deal with myself and what it is that has been going on, makes sense?
Anyway let’s dive into what we can feel and experience this blue full moon in Taurus
A good night rest? Nope!
We sleep like shit. I mean, you either are sleeping deep but have some crazy dreams going on and wake up tired anyway. Or you might experience trouble sleeping in, or through the night and feeling restless. Maybe feeling bursts of energy, restless legs or just overall feeling like your wide awake. Whatever it is, most people experience a shitty night of sleep.
The planet of change is aspecting the sun and the moon. Which can definitely cause some shake ups as it will bring unexpected and unforeseen events along the way. Especially within love, family, friendships and romance things can shake up a little. Now don’t get scared because a shake up can be a good thing too.
Suppressed feelings
We all have things happen to us that left a scare. Small things that have happened but also big moments in life that we haven’t really dealt with at that time in our life. Simply because we weren’t ready to release and we have responsibilities so we just put our emotions and feelings aside for a bit. This moon is most likely going to bring a lot of these suppressed feelings and emotions to the surface. Yeah, I know.. this doesn’t sound very fun but it’s very healthy and probably what you need right now. Time to fully feel, acknowledge and than you can release all of your emotions and travel with a much lighter backpack! I know it’s easier said than done but letting your emotions flow is the first step, right?
Grounded & spiritual
The most spiritual month in my opinion is definitely October. We all feel in a way more intuitive and more perceptive to things of spiritual and paranormal nature. Of course a lot of it has to do with Halloween, the day when the veil between our world and the spiritual world is at it’s thinnest.
You will feel and know things intuitively, like with any full moon your intuition always spikes a little. So this full moon you are highly intuitive and a closer connection with the spiritual world is way easier when the veil is at it’s thinnest, don’t you think? Taurus is here to help you stay grounded. So basically you will have best of both world. A good and healthy balance between the here and now and your spiritual world. Taurus is going to keep you a little down to earth too!
During every full moon our intuition spikes. We experience more déjà vu’s. Our dreams are weird and we daydream more often. So use this to your advantage. If you have been carrying around a burning question. Take time to site down and meditate and tune into your higher self. Listen to your intuition as it will lead you towards the answers.
Emotions are probably all over the place. You might feel more emotional than usual. Cry over things you normally wouldn’t cry about. Or act more on your emotions, what could result in reacting in a way that you maybe later regret or is just out of character.
You can use these emotions to dive deep within yourself and find the source of these emotions and see where they are truly coming from. Just like with anger. There is always a reason behind the anger and that goes for every emotion that you feel basically. Anyway think before you act is a good advice if you ask me. However in all honesty, I’m maybe not the one to give this advice, since I’m not so great at it myself.
Sense of Who you are
With the sun moon conjunction you will now more than ever -in a way- feel a sense of who you are and what you want. Most likely your even thinking about how to make it all happen.
Basically the sun is what we want and the moon represents what we need. They are both aligned! So simply said you know what you want and you know very well what you need. With this strong connection you are most definitely being pulled to move forward with what it is that you want. You now are finding problem to solutions and finding ways to make things happen rather than to make excuses as to why it wouldn’t happen. Makes sense?
Making things happen
We all have been there.. The moment where we just don’t want to do something. May it be some work at the office or duties and tasks around your home. If you have been delaying things or needed to post pone whatever you now will feel like nothing can stop you from doing it anyway. Your done waiting around or done with post pone whatever. You will feel the urge to make things happen and just want do it.
Artistic outlets
You might find some peace and harmony maybe even find some mental clarity by doing something creative and artistic. Perhaps you like to draw, paint, write or just build things out of whatever you have. This is a perfect way for you to clear your mind and find some rest and peace within by expressing yourself in a artistic and creative way!
Affection & Love
You will notice that you want more affection, love and compassion but are also wanting to express your love and affection to others. So basically more cuddles, kisses and affection in any way shape or form is what is highlighted these days.
Stubborn and Harsh
On the other hand we still have Mars in retrograde and Mercury which isn’t the best communicator when in retrograde so having a full moon in one of the most stubborn signs of all this can definitely be a problem when things are not going as how you had planned them. Perhaps during conversations you will stand you ground more passionately and you find yourself standing your ground where you usually would be like.. Yeah whatever. Just pay attention than your stubborn behavior is hurting you later on or anyone else for that matter.
I always like to use the energy of the full moon to release what no longer serves me in my life or personal growth. I do this together with my daughter. We will take each a little note. On this note we write down something that we want to release. Which is often something within us. Like a bad habit or behavior that we like to change. Or even outcomes to things we want to see happen. After done writing down we go to the garden and burn our piece of paper to symbolically release our intentions.
As always, Take it how it resonates and leave what doesn’t. Have a lovely full moon! Take care, be kind and love yourself!
Love, Tammy
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