Card for today: Knight of CupsKeywords: Prince Charming, Romantic, Loving or Peaceful gesture / offer.Clarified by: Waxing Crescent MoonKey phrase: Have faith in your dreamsZodiac: ScorpioWild Unknown Tarot & Moonology Oracle deck
Tag: knight of cups
Card for today: Knight of Cups
Card for today: Knight of CupsKeywords: Prince Charming, Romantic, Loving or peaceful offer.Clarified by: Gibbous MoonKey phrase: Your very close to achieving your goal.Zodiac: Scorpio*Classic Rider Waite & Moonology Oracle deck.
Card for today: Knight of Cups & Ace of Pentacles
Card for today: Knight of CupsKeywords: Prince Charming, Romantic, Loving or peaceful offer.Clarified by: Ace of PentaclesKeywords: Opportunity for abundance, gifts, tangible possibilities & wealth.Zodiac: Scorpio & Earth Signs*Rider Waite & Witches Tarot Deck
Card for today: The Magician & Knight of Cups
Card for today: The Magician 1Keywords: Manifestations, Abilities, Chemistry & ConfidenceClarified by: Knight of CupsKeywords: Prince Charming, Romantic, Loving or peaceful offerZodiac: Gemini /Virgo & Scorpio*Rider Waite & Witches Tarot Deck
Card for today: Knight of Cups & 6 of Wands
Card for today: Knight of CupsKeywords: Prince Charming, Love/peace or romantic offerClarified by: 6 of WandsKeywords: Success, Victory, Achievement, CelebrationElements: Water (Scorpio/Pluto) & Fire (Leo/Sun)*Wild Unknown Tarot & Prisma Visions Tarot