No. 35Keywords: “Healing, Process of Evolving, Ending a cycle”
Tag: Healing
Weekly Oracle Card: Sweat Lodge
No. 54Keywords: “Second change, Rebirth, Recovery, Healing”
Chiron Retrograde
Chiron Retrograde 15th of July – 19th of December This is going to be a interactive blog.. because I need you to do something, If you want to fully understand this intense retrograde.
Oracle card for today: Sweat Lodge
No. 54Keywords: “Second change, Rebirth, Recovery, Healing”
Card for today: 4 of Swords
Card for today: 4 of SwordsKeywords: Recovery, Healing, Recharging & RestClarified by: Full Moon in GeminiKey phrase: The answers you need are comingZodiac: double Gemini, double air.Rider Waite Tarot & Moonology Oracle deck
Oracle card for today: The Sun
No. 53Key phrase: “Time to get out of hibernation. Get out and play!”