Card for today: Knight of SwordsKeywords: Arguments, Conflict, Battle, Sharp minded & Sharp words.Clarified by: Full Moon in GeminiKey phrase: The answers you need are comingZodiac: Aquarius & GeminiWild Unknown Tarot & Moonology Oracle deck
Tag: arguments
Card for today: 8 of Wands & 5 of Swords
Card for today: 8 of WandsKeywords: Fast incoming communication, movement & TravelClarified by: 5 of SwordsKeywords: Arguments, Conflict, Battle & Sharp communicationZodiac: Sagittarius & Gemini* Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans
Mars Retrograde
We still have some planets in retrograde: Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron & Uranus. We’re not done changing and growing just yet, we can add Mars to the list as of today. 9th of September until 13th of November Mars goes retrograde in the sign of Aries transiting Gemini.A time of where we will experience; …
Card for today: Knight of Swords & Death
Card for today: Knight of SwordsKeywords: blunt & fast incoming communication, argument and defensiveClarified by: DeathKeywords: Transformation, Ending, changesElement: Air & Water