What can you expect during and after your reading & how do I work. We all have different norms and values, ways of doing if you will. Here are mine…

I am a psychic medium. For those not familiar, A Psychic medium is someone who is able to connect with Divine, Universal energies and is able to translate messages from “the other side” into words we all understand.
Psychic Mediums
Each psychic medium has their own natural gifts, talents and skills. Often a few different abilities combined. There are a lot of psychic abilities and therefore many psychics will differ from one another. Which is in my opinion a good thing because there are a lot of different people in the world. A private reading can be very intimate and private I think it’s really imported to have a connection, a vibe with your psychic or psychic to be.
My “thing”
Like I said above, there are many psychic abilities. My “things” are in a nutshell; healing, foresight (predicting), clairvoyance, claircognizance (knowing without knowing), clairsentience (feelings, sensing), Automatic writing (writing in meditative state) and snapshots, not sure if that’s a legit term but that’s how I call it. I get snapshots of pictures, symbols, colors, icons and what not in my mind’s eye.
Kind of like Bluetooth, I connect to energy, to spirit and spirit guides, ancestors and departed souls. Through tarot and oracle cards, scrying, automatic writing and visions I translate the messages that are coming through into words we all understand.
It’s not like in the movie the 6th sense that I can have a full-blown conversation with the afterlife, that’s a rare gift to have. I get signs, snapshots, pictures, icons, feelings and memories. All pieces that will tell a story and together we will translate the pieces into the message that’s for you.
Let’s see if we can explain the unexplainable….
To be honest it took a while to fully accept the gifts and talents that I have. I am someone who is very down to earth and I’m not really sure how to explain how I do what I do, but I’m going to give it a go;
As most of you know, everything is made up out of frequencies and energy. Simply said; Have you ever walked into a room where you could just feel the tension between people or tension in general? That’s kind of the same thing just on a bigger scale. I can connect to energies of people, the Universe or Divine energy, if I open myself up to it.
So for example, If I read for you. I will tune into your frequency, your energy. Through your energy I am able to tune in to past, current or future vibes, feelings and situations. The cards, feelings and imagery I feel and see will guide me to dive deeper into your energy and together with your personal Divine spiritual team we will bring you the messages and guidance that you need to hear.
Did any of what I wrote made any sense? It’s weird yet beautiful and hard to understand, well at least for me. I am still figuring out how my gifts and spiritual realm works. It’s hard explaining something unexplainable, right?
Predicting the future
I connect to your current energy to check out what’s in your near future. During my readings you will notice that I dislike reading further than 6 months. Why? Because we have free will and therefore, we will (almost) always be able to make our own choices (minus the big, destined parts of our life’s which is that 0.001% of the time)
Energy is fluid and constantly fluctuating. It is constantly moving, flowing if you will.. just like our own bubble of energy. One day we feel great the other not so much. We all manifest and attract things without even knowing it. “What you think about you bring about” Meaning we attract what we think about. So, if we feel good, our energy flows effortlessly and attract positivity. When we don’t feel so great, we vibe on a lower frequency, attracting lesser fortunate vibes.
What if the outcome in your reading looks a little gloomy?
The readings I do are based on the current energy that I am feeling. If your reading is positive than the advice is to keep up the good work and just keep doing what you already were doing.
If the reading is not quite as you hoped it would be than the advice is to make some changes and shift your energy and your mind. If this is the case, we always dive into guidance and advice during the reading to give you the tools and guidance you need to make positive changes in your life)
What can you expect from me as your psychic medium?
I am not a reader that does sugar coating. My readings will be raw, honest, down to earth and based on reality but delivered with love and respect. During my readings you might not get the messages or answers you want to hear but you will always get what you need to hear. After a private reading I will always offer a quick follow up reading after a couple of weeks. Just a quick check in or to answer any question that arise after your private reading.
According to the people I have read for I am open and approachable. My intention is really to help you with whatever it is that you need help with.
➡️ contact Tammy
Lot’s of Love,