8/8 Lion’s Gate, a well known cosmic & spiritual event that you don’t want to miss! But first let’s see what this is all about!
So What is happening?
In a nutshell, The Lions Gateway is a portal that opens up when our Earth, the stars Sirius and Orion’s Belt are perfectly in alignment with the Pyramids of Giza. This alignment is what open the portal between our world and our spiritual world.
It’s also a beautiful sight!
Because when this happens we can see star Sirius shine like no other star in the sky. Sirius will be the biggest and brightest star in the Universe.
This amazing portal opens up on the same day we have a new moon in Leo. A new moon is the perfect time to manifest new things, manifest change or manifest growth.. Whatever it is that you want to manifest, on 8/8 there is twice as much power to manifest anything!!
Just keep it real-ish. In the end we still have to make the effort in the here and now to makes serious changes.
We all know Sirius, right? It’s like I already said, the biggest and brightest star in the sky and in fact it’s even bigger and brighter than the sun.
Spiritually Star Sirius is know to be the lucky star. The bringer of abundance, wealth, harvest and fertility. Kind of like Jupiter!
Ancient Egypt
This beautiful and powerful event has been honored and celebrated for thousands of years. Isn’t that just amazing?! There is plenty of historical, and very interesting, information online. I have done a lot of research so far. This article is already going to be a long one. So If your interested go and do some research yourself.
Why is it called Lions Gate?
We are in Leo season. A season where we roar and show others what we are made of. We are (overly) protective over our own ‘pack’.
Leo is all about the heart, passion and our heart desires. It’s all about royalty. Living a royal and self loving life. Being the main character in your life. So lots of self love and self reflection is something we all experience during Leo season.
What does this alignment mean spiritually?
It simply means that there is a gateway, a portal, opening up between our world and the spiritual world.
Since the veil between our world and the spiritual world is thinner our intuition spikes as fuck. Like there’s no escaping your intuitions. Your spiritual gifts are way more enhanced. So expect some crazy ass dreams, psychic insights, Spiritual and a overall higher awareness
Now, what will you experience?
1 Prophetic dreams or physic insights
Pay close attention to your cryptic dreams. Make sure you have a notepad next to your bed so that when you wake up you can write down your dreams. Use your enhanced intuition and some nice meditation to figure out, slowly, what this dreams means to you.
2 déjà vu, messages, feathers and synchronizations
Our spirit guides, Angels and ancestors all communicate with us on a different way. Some see repeating numbers. Others get messages through feathers or symbols and some of us have these weird ass synchronicities as a way of communication. So take what resonates for you personally.
3 Repeating numbers: 1111, 1010, 222, 333, 888
Like I said, even if this is not your ‘normal’ way of communicating with spirit.. These repeating numbers will be all over the damn place.
I personally don’t always connect with the angel number description. So if that’s you as well.. maybe the tarot can help you out! Link each digit to the major arcana in Tarot. The major arcana are the first 21 cards of the deck. Little side note- The fool is number 0 but while doing this trick it’s no.22. It sounds like a lot of work but it isn’t, I promise!
For example:
I see 13.13 a lot. Now 13 is the Death card (Transformation & Rebirth) 1 is the Magician (Abilities & Manifestations) and 3 is the Empress (Divine Feminine & Growth). Basically this tells me that I’m slowly transforming myself. Growing more into the Divine Feminine, finding more self love and worth simply by using my natural talents and gifts.
Need help? Sent me a message and I’ll help you out!
4 Feeling the urge to make a change, a positive change!
If you follow me on IG and read my weekly forecasts you can see that, for weeks in a row, the cards are all about personal growth and making changes. Which isn’t always easy and takes time. Basically my guides are prepping everyone to make personal changes so we can make actual changes in our life that are more aligned with the person we’ve become. If that makes sense?
Now tell me? What positive change do you want to create? What is the first thing that comes to mind?
5 The urge to start a new chapter, journey in your life.
Kind of the same as a positive change, right? However this change that your thinking about or creating will be the first little baby steps to actually create a whole new chapter. Rome wasn’t build in one day. Every journey starts somewhere and it mostly starts without even knowing it. Only by looking back we can pinpoint the beginning. So surrender and be patient. Good things take time!
6 Feeling like a boss
Leo is all about confidence and power. So if there is something that you haven’t done because you are afraid, worried or your insecurities are fucking things up, this is the time to just do it!
We will experience bursts of energy! We are ready to make things happen. Even the day to day stuff like doing things in and around the house that needed to be done but you’ve just didn’t had any time or other priorities.
7 Having the power to manifest instantly and change outcomes.
This is THE moment to MANIFEST!! Dreams and wishes will be granted. If you look back in a few months you will see that it all started around August! Seriously, do a manifestation ritual. Meditate, journal! However you manifest, do it! I promise you won’t be disappointed!!
I seriously advise you to take these beautiful and strong energies and use them to your advantage!
Make the most of it by cleaning house. Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Pay attention to what your intuition and your dreams are telling you. Whatever it may be for you personally, follow your spark, your idea and your intuition and make that change that you have been waiting for!
Take a first bold step forward and just know that luck is on your side and that you are protected and guided by the divine energies.
As always
Take it how it resonates and leave what doesn’t.
It’s time to shine my friends!!
Source image: Pinterest
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